I would like to propose a 2.5km sustainable pedestrian pathway from UTM (FAB bus stop) to Taman Universiti (Jusco bus stop) via block V01. The objectives are to catalyst sustainable and healthy walking culture, and to enhance connectivity between UTM and main services centre in Skudai. This dedicated pathway will serve the requirement of both local students and foreign students who usually walk from UTM to Taman U, through improper path on Jalan Pontian Lama.


The costing of the project are propose to be divided into three (3). 1/3 of the cost is bailed by UTM, 1/3 by MPJBT, while another 1/3 is by outsider sponsorships. As for labor (landscaping and path furniture, we could utilize experts, students and student associations especially from Faculty of Built Environment and Harta Bina.

To attract sponsorships, especially companies, we suggest to embedded the symbol of those companies who donated along the pathway, especially in several resting/shelter points along the pathway. Proper advertisement boards should also be installed and rented to generate income (for path maintenance) subsequent to completion of this route. In addition, to reduce cost, we could develop this path by phase and the sponsorship value should be based on respective location of where the company would like their name to be advertised along the pathway.


Other than just designing for pedestrian, this path should also serve bicycle lane in certain stretch complete with lighting. The proposed route is from FAB bus stop, through existing pedestrian path way of UTM lake and entrance, and then extended to block VO1 and Jusco bus stop.

This path should be equip with proper resting areas (proposed 5) and be built by using a sustainable pavement material develop by UTM researcher.

Not just for the use of UTM students and staff, this pathway will also be beneficial to the communities surrounding UTM. If this preliminary proposal is agreed, we in Alam Bina will try to initiate a proper working paper along with the detail costing and design.
