Push Notification UTMSmart

UTMSmart merupakan sistem yang menghimpunkan pelbagai maklumat/sistem dan digunapakai oleh seluruh warga universiti. Dalam meningkatkan penyampaian perkhidmatan, dicadangkan UTMDigital untuk mengaktifkan fungsi notifikasi kepada pengguna. Sebagai contoh: –...

Digital Dean’ List Certificate

I would like to suggest the Dean’s List Certificate to be in softcopy version. Benefit : 1. Reduce number of not collected certificate by students. 2. Student able to get the certificate faster 3. Easier to keep and track if lost without request for re-print the...

Updated Staff’s Photo

Although this idea might sound petty, I believe to have an updated version of the staff’s photos in the official UTM website is crucial. I am comparing with other Malaysia public universities, UTM’s staff photos are considerably outdated. Could you please...

Promoting Research Culture

Mr Chew Teong Han talk for FABU RDCI Week 2021 is very insightful. If it’s possible, ranking for publication champions eg top 10@20 by faculty may motivate publications and collaboration among their own faculty members. The ranking may be published for internal...