Unexplore Renewable Energy

1. To convert electromagnetism force into electricity 2. Ocean thermal conversion into electricity 3. Used of electrolysis to separate oxygen and hydrogen to be used in transportation...

Digital Appointment Letter

Salam, It would be a great help if all appointments (TF, AJK, any..) would be through a system. It will benefit all: 1. Toward sustainability campus: no need to print out hard copy and sign. Less paper 2. No need to have any signature. Maybe just approval similar to...

Program ‘Public Speaking’ untuk staf dan pelajar

Dicadangkan agar mewujudkan program Public speaking bagi staf dan pelajar untuk memupuk bakat bercakap di khalayak. Boleh mengambil contoh TED Talk sebagai model program. Program seperti ini juga dapat mengasah bakat dalam membentangkan idea dan menyuarakan pendapat...

UTM Statistics Dasboard

A statistic dashboard accessible to all staff and students to show data from all offices of DVCs. The statistics can be useful for improvement of facilities, innovative research, pitching for sponsorships, and many...


Ramai staf UTM yang mempunyai ramai anak masih kecil dan bersekolah.Tambahan ada lepas bersalin tidak tahu nak tempatkan anak mereka apabila sudah mula kerja.Jadi pembinaan SEGERA taska perlu dibuat bagi memudahkan staf dan mengurangkan kos perbelanjaan menghantar ke...

Forming An Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Most established journals require a submitted article of a study to went through IRB process if that study involve human. It is a compulsary process especially if the study involve experimental on human body such as the use of EMG and EEG. The use of IRB is to ensure...