
It would be a great help if all appointments (TF, AJK, any..) would be through a system. It will benefit all:
1. Toward sustainability campus: no need to print out hard copy and sign. Less paper
2. No need to have any signature. Maybe just approval similar to annual leave approval. All appointments will take less time to get. Just a click away, and notification by email.
3. Better record keeping. All parties can see the progress/contribution. Automatically recorded so there is no need to manually fill in the ELPPT/ELNPT.
4. More efficient, used standardized format and less error especially on the categories options/no overlapping in ELPPT/ELNPT.
5. Happier staff. Time used for manual appointment letters (creating sentences, waiting for approval, layers, etc), filling ELPPT/ENLPT manual, finding records, etc will be used for other important things.

Thank you