My idea is just to make UTM staff and students to work on an apps or a system to improve the public transportation which is the bus. Indeed it is very difficult to go around UTM if you don’t have a car or a bike. My idea is simply to put in place a tracking system for the UTM bus in a form of an app basically with the apps the student will be able to see the bus location and bus route with all the stops that it makes. An example is if I am a x bus stop the app will tell me the next bus is at 5min or 10min from your location another feature that can put added to the apps is that it should be able to guide me on which bus to take to go to a particular location. This is a very basic system as it is present in many other universities in the world. This idea can be given to the faculty of engineering staff and students so as to put it in place and improve it.
List of Ideas by Months
Latest Submitted Ideas
- 3 suggestions for CQI in UTM
- Senarai kedatangan pelajar dalam Sistem Class Attendance
- Apply stker kenderaan menggunakan data yang ada.
- Daily reminder for the UTM students
- Penubuhan Yayasan Kecemerlangan UTM
- Arked system/apps
- RV park
- GPS track fleet apps
- RV park
- Centralised ATM at center point
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your contributions to the Idea Bank. The Secretariat has received your ideas and they will be available on
The Secretariat has processed your ideas and they will be brought to the Bank Idea Committee Meeting No. 2/2022 (June 2022) for assessment and recommendation for implementation.
Thank you.
– Secretariat of Idea Bank Committee UTM –