Hello, I am a Year 2 student from School of Computing. I am speaking on behalf of my fellow friends and classmates. Online classes is very exhausting. I developed symptoms of depression since July this year caused by overload stress and anxiety on the tests, assignments and classes. And I am sure many other students are facing this too in silence. Therefore I would like to suggest that no classes are allowed to be conducted during mid semester break which is starting from 4/12/2020 until 12/12/2020. It is only one week. We need a break from the stress. We barely had enough sleep throughout the pass 7 weeks. Please help us. It is only one week.
Ban All Classes During Mid Semester Break
by Nur Irdeena Binti Che Mohamad Zulkepli | Dec 4, 2020 | Academic, General, Student Experience | 1 comment
Terima kasih di atas cadangan Saudara. Dimaklumkan bahawa Peraturan Akademik UTM sememangnya menetapkan bahawa cuti pertengahan semester adalah minggu rehat dari sebarang aktiviti akademik. Sehubungan itu, pihak UTM akan mengingatkan seluruh warga UTM untuk terus mematuhi peraturan ini.