UTM should create networking with lesser known universities in Indonesia. One of the ways is to conduct workshops to their UGs. In Landscape Architecture and Architecture, my team have delivered several workshops with Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin in Makassar and Universitas Aisyiyah in Yogjakarta. Last month, my team from FABU successfully conducted two workshops at Department of Architecture, Universitas Aisyiyah, from 8th July to 13th July 2018. The workshops were (1) Design Children’s Place for 2 days, and (2) Design Public Space for Urban Community. We delivered these to 30 UGs of architecture students. We delivered in interactive mode in English. These students are generally from low-income families, but at the end of the workshop, they able to present their design ideas in English. My team composed of lecturers from UTM, USIM and UiTM, an UTM almunus and two PhD students of mine. We paid our own air tickets.
Next, my team will be going to Universitas Tridinanti Palembang, 3 to 8 November 2018, to deliver similar workshops. The team will comprise of lecturers from UTM, USIM, UiTM, PhD students and an architect.